Monday, 22 December 2008


A friend from afar emailed this to me as a Christmas present - and I thought I'd share with you, since its just so relevant and appropriate in today's world - as we celebrate the spirit of Christmas and prepare to ring in another year.

"GO placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with other, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy."

"Desiderata" (Latin for "desired things", plural of desideratum) is an inspirational prose poem about attaining happiness in life. It was first copyrighted in 1927 by Max Ehrmann.


Monday, 27 October 2008

I Will Survive

First I was afraid
I was petrified
Kept thinking I could never live
without you by my side
But I spent so many nights
thinking how you did me wrong
I grew strong
I learned how to carry on
and so you're back
from outer space
I just walked in to find you here
with that sad look upon your face
I should have changed my stupid lock
I should have made you leave your key
If I had known for just one second
you'd be back to bother me

Go on now go walk out the door
just turn around now
'cause you're not welcome anymore
weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
you think I'd crumble
you think I'd lay down and die
Oh no, not I
I will survive
as long as i know how to love
I know I will stay alive
I've got all my life to live
I've got all my love to give
and I'll survive
I will survive

It took all the strength I had
not to fall apart
kept trying hard to mend
the pieces of my broken heart
and I spent oh so many nights
just feeling sorry for myself
I used to cry
Now I hold my head up high
and you see me
somebody new
I'm not that chained up little person
still in love with you
and so you felt like dropping in
and just expect me to be free
now I'm saving all my loving
for someone who's loving me

Click here to listen to this lovely track by Gloria Gaynor.

Etched on my MIND...

...Are these images from monsoon 2008 when baba came to visit us in Pune. There are a few more thoughts and emotions that I would love to share with you... but what if you 'betray' again?

So here I share my joys (the sorrows can wait).

Under the greenwood tree,
Who loves to lie with me,
And turn his merry note
Unto the sweet bird's throat,
Come hither, come hither, come hither;
Here shall he see
No enemy...

Lazing under the open sky - Amby Valley

Caught the sun

Wish you were here... at Plato point - Panchghani

Mapro food court - Panchghani

As Santanu's Gtalk status message says: You can't argue with beauty.



Thursday, 21 August 2008

Mystic monsoon

We have a special connection with the Indian rains, especially with flooded roads that make headlines. Of course there's a reason why I named my daughter Mehuli (Naga for 'the rains').

That apart, a tropical country like ours take on a different beauty during the monsoons, with a lush green complexion. So on the wetest day of the year - August 10, 2008 - we took to the roads. It was actually Rion's crazy idea to drive over to Panchghani, but it did work out pretty well! Here are a few frames that we could capture on the way.





So inspired were we by its success that we headed to Goa the next weekend and yes, by road. This time, our experience wasn't as smooth: we had to deal with 3 punctures (thanks to the absence of roads along Karnataka state highway), a car battery that ran out of charge and hence, spending a night in the car in the midst of a dense forest with the rain pouring on us in sheets! The next morning Rion had to hitch-hike his way on overloaded lorries and milk vans with two car tyres and a battery, to the nearest village that was 10 kms away and get them repaired. But surprisingly, the people around us helped us in ways unexpected. Whether it is the dingy looking but extremely clean tea-shop in Jalkaeti (Karnataka) or the lorry driver who refused to accept any money for giving Rion a lift in the dead of night.

Phew! That was some experience, more so as we were travelling with our two-year-old! But that did not stop us - rather Rion - from making it to Goa, even though we were running 20 hours behind schedule.

This time we visited some of the roads less travelled in Goa and here's what we saw:




Friday, 1 August 2008

'I'm okay' - a Tribute to Sam

Famous last words.

Field Marshall Sam Manekshaw's last words - a testament to a man who lived his life believing he could succeed, against all odds.

Manekshaw was almost pronounced dead when brought to Rangoon hospital (in 1942) with nine bullets in the lung, liver and kidneys. The military surgeon was reluctant to operate seeing the hopeless condition even though Manekshaw was barely conscious. The surgeon asked what had happened to him. Sam replied: "I was kicked by a donkey." The surgeon decided that if a soldier could have such a sense of humour at that critical hour, he must operate to save him.

This was the legacy of a man who confounded Indian politicians and service protocol alike - they didn't have a 'procedure or policy' to honour a Field Marshall, a post which Manekshaw was only the second to have held, after K. M. Cariappa. The manual only defined rules to a certain rank...


You bet.

Mera Bharat Mahaan - sometimes, I feel so low, so kicked-in-the-gut that I just have to say something.

The 1971 war with Pakistan, the aftermath of the Partition of 1947, Manekshaw displayed a resoluteness and courage which was a beacon for all those around around him to rally to him, to the natioi..

And this is how we honour those who serve Bharat.

Its sad, no, indeed disappointing that India did not know how to 'deal' with his passing. No customary roll-call of politicians, no service chiefs in attendance - no wonder that his family and colleagues who served under him expressed profound dismay and indignation.

Sam would've disapproved of such charades - maybe its best that he was laid to rest in the presence of loved ones and close family - without the pomp and splendour best reserved for those who crave it the most - for he was one of the people, a true leader and a human being who believed in sacrifice and commitment.

If we can't honour our war-heroes, who have given so much to the nation - whilst we remain distracted in confidence votes - rather confidence tricks, where a government clings on to power on the basis of a few MP's who have chosen to switch allegiances, then all that I can say is God save India. 'Its the economy stupid', and the economy was a siginificant distraction, indeed, but a distraction so profound that it took our attention away from someone who helped shape and build modern India?

Sam was a man to be revered, respected and looked up to - a role model in the true sense of the word.

Here's to. We remember you, soldier.


oRiOn 2008

Thursday, 24 July 2008

The Great Indian Property Show

Now here’s a thought – something that surely has the potential to become a blockbuster business.

It's always the middle-class who enjoy being empowered these days – from the dubious Right to Information Act (don’t get me started) to unrealistic mortgages (I can’t imagine paying off anything in 25 years!) and mall-hopping (the most repulsive new-age trait of them all).

In a country like ours, the poor are always deprived of financial inclusion. Yet, it is these people that dare to dream the most. There’s a number of initiatives which are being ‘driven’ (not very diligently, I might add) by our honourable government, and there are a number of initiatives by non-profits and banking institutions alike to promote micro-credit in the country, but what I see as an equally large problem / opportunity is not just about the money. It’s got to do with the age-old, tried and tested roti-kapra-makaan.

I’m sure your fingernails have been reduced to pretty much nothing by now, but here’s what I’m getting at.

The basic premise is that the poor in India dream. Nothing new there. They dream about buying property – invariably land – and this is all self-financed through ‘internal accruals’, family savings and soft loans.

The problem is that these people are largely creditworthy (much more so than the salaried middle-class, who seem to think that everything is free and that they have some kind of divine right to be first in, last out – read, stocks and shares, et al….heylow?)

But I digress.

These people are creditworthy, and are RIPPED OFF all the time – they do not have access to professional advice, they have no access to credit, they have no access to conveyancing or legal support, and they have to BRIBE everyone from the top down to get the land registered, deeds transferred, etc.

So much for the government’s much touted e-governance projects which have soaked up, at last count, many thousands of crores of the TAXPAYERS money.

Why not get together and set up a private-public partnership which empowers poor people when they make property transactions?

Set up the infrastructure, give them the support, enlist stakeholders such as banks to also offer advice, etc (I know banks do this with their ‘business banking’ and ‘commercial banking’ clients) – and spread a little feel good fuzzy warm feeling amongst a community that is ignored, neglected, deprived and yet, consistently exploited?

If you’re interested in learning a bit more or want to contribute your time and expertise to this project, let me know. In the meantime, spread the word – and yes, its not a charitable venture – there’s money to be made in it, all of it legit.

Parting thought: if there are, say, 1 million transactions per year, and you levy a fee of 1000 Rs per transaction, then you could say that the size of the addressable market would be in the region of 1 Billion Rs. That would make any VC salivate, but then he’d turn around and ask you about execution – but I’m not telling (for the moment!).

Oh yeah, and if you could get a 1% share of the addressable market, then your turnover would be 10 Million Rs in the first year – if you could then demonstrate growth over 6 consecutive quarters - say, 30%, then I estimate that your market cap would be in the region of 100 Million Rs sometime in Year 3.

Not bad, huh?


Saturday, 12 July 2008


आप को पता था की आप hindi मे भी ब्लॉग कर सकते हैं?

its called transliteration, and offers users the ability to spell words phonetically in english, which is then miraculously converted into hindi in real time...

not sure what my hindi teacher would make of it all, but I thought I'd share this neat trick with you.


Cool Tool

Ever wondered about what people are searching for in the world wide weblog (blog) world?

Here's a nifty widget that shows you, in real time, what your peers are looking for.

Check it out!



Thursday, 10 July 2008

On a Date!

Sometimes, special dates and times pass us by - we're usually too caught up in the whirlwind of our daily lives and associated chores to notice.

An example?

03:04:05 06-07-08

Passed by a couple of days ago - did you notice?



Make sure you set your alarm for 04:05:06 on 07-08-09...which is more than a year from now!

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

A drive in the neighbourhood ;)

Lonavla on a rain-drenched wind-swept July afternoon...

Rion 'soaks up' (sic!) the fresh greens

Revelling in Rion's home-coming

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Is LOVE just a decorative emotion?

If you think your husband is cheating on you, it's you who needs to visit a shrink and not your husband or his girlfriend. They are perfectly fine with the arrangement. They are happy about what they are doing and don't think there's anything wrong about it. It's you who thinks your husband is being unfaithful to you and hence, you are not happy with his behaviour. So, it's you who needs help and not them.

Did you ever look at life this way? Profound, eh!

Cheating spouses seem to be the order of the day. Or maybe, they were always present and my eyes are opening to them only recently. Honestly, the more I meet people of late, the more I hear about unhappy marriages, philandering spouses and subsequent break-ups or patch-ups.

So I set about trying to find out what makes them behave the way they do. Some of the explanations that came my way:

i) I go back to my exes every time my husband goes out of station. Incidentally, he needs to travel quite a bit on work. So what do I do with my time? This is kind of my security blanket and also this way I miss him less. But my husband is very sweet and pampers me after he returns from his tour.

ii) Well, I don't think sleeping with other women amounts to cheating on my wife. I love her just as much, believe me. So, they are completely separate chambers of my existence. (But, thankfully, by some divine intervention, he's gotten off his philandering tendencies. Today, he admits he has a truly nice wife.)

iii) I must admit to you: the one year I lived in with my girlfriend is the best of my life. Yes, my wife and I are mutually calling off the divorce case because I really can't let go of my wife. She says I am the best thing that happened to her and I too realise how she's stood by me through it all. I know she will always be there for me. But yes, I am not sure if I can resist my ex-girlfriend if I happen to run into her again. I just hope my wife never gets to know about it. Afterall, I am human!

iv) My parents want me to marry this girl who belongs to the same community as me. But, you see, I can't live without you. So, I have postponed my engagement just to be with you. (A friend comes and asks how she's supposed to react to such a confession from her boyfriend.)

Phew! I feel like a grey-haired wrinkled up agony aunt, gulping down all of this with a pair of knowingly piercing eyes! For some, I am happy that their relationship is working out. But with others, I can actually see them hurting their supposedly innocent spouses all over again. Because, as somebody said the other day, no one changes. Given time, you are bound to go back to your old ways - the real you lusting after your 'freedom'.

To quote: "Man is born free but everywhere is in chains." And believe it or not, we love being in chains. We love to belong to somebody. It gives us an identity, a sense of belonging. How much ever we crave for our independence and freedom, as humans our ultimate happiness lies in the hands of the person who fulfills us; satisfies us. So, for once, let us be true to ourselves and be brave enough to stand up for our happiness. Even if it might hurt somebody in the process, it would be a lesser heartbreak than when he/ she finds out that you are cheating on them.

But then, where does love fit into the scheme of things? Does it really exist or is it just a decorative emotion?

Saturday, 28 June 2008

Rainy Day Woman

Yes I do remember that night.

All the people on Andheri station's platform number 1 were scurrying home, looking worriedly at the sky - happy and relieved that the Harbour Line hadn't gone belly up for once in the inclement weather.

I'd braved all the potholes and puddles of Andheri E to come and get you.
And you looked oh-so-happy just to see me. Can't forget your smile as it lit up your face...

Also, I remember how appreciative the street dog was - I do miss the street dogs in India so much. They have character, guts and more balls than a lot of people I know.


On another note, here's a song, not so much about rainy days or women, but, well - go figure.

oRiOn 2008

Remember this?

Don't know why I remembered this song as I got into work today.

It brings back a 'flood' of memories... July 30, 2005. Andheri rail station, Mumbai. You waiting for me, somehow holding on to a dripping brolly... after feeding the cold and hungry dog a packet of biscuits. And this song was playing in the background on FM radio...

That was the day you stole my heart!

Sunday, 22 June 2008

What I'm listening to now...

Lazy Sunday afternoon, hope you enjoy this tune...

Will Young - Who Am I

"And who am I to tell you that I would never let you down
That no-one else could love you half as much as I do now
And who am I to tell you I'll always catch you when you fall
Well I, I wouldn't be myself at all
I wouldn't be myself at all, at all."

Saturday, 21 June 2008

Kiss The Rain

Life passed on today
She remembered all the times they had
They will never come back again
I can't wait for tomorrow
I cannot bring back yesterday
Now I see the light before me
It just takes me on my way
Even though the shadows remain
Baby, I know that you and I will meet again someday
I know there's something you wanna say
You close the door at night
You make me go away I try to make you remember... belief is all you need
And show you I'll be around forever
I try to make you remember me
I try to open your mind
Even if the stars remain
Baby, I know that you and I will meet again
I try to make you remember... belief is all you need

In God We Trust

Well, I tried, I have to admit.

She looked, in retrospect, every inch the crackwhore that she was.
I did give her a chance, me the self-procaimed messiah that would give deliverance to the world.

There was some cash lying on the table, and when we all gathered around and She wasn't there, we arrived at a consensus straightaway - she stole the money and ran. Was there room for any doubt? Not really, given that she didn't stick around to mount her own defence.

I did tell her in the cab, 'relax, you're with friends now...' - she was anxious and kept asking me if it was 'okay' for her to come along...

So much for keeping the faith.

Another episode in my undrgrnd undrwrld

An old friend says...

Namaskar Ji,

Noticed your name on the current list. Must have missed your call.

I'm in Sydney; came back 6 weeks ago to settle - Goa's turned nasty following the death of that 15 y.o. British girl at Anjuna in March.

A woman Israeli journo who's been living there for 6 years had the Diary page at the back of Outlook magazine just before I left and she made some interesting points: she mentioned how unfortunate it all was to her local shop-keeper and tells how, for the first time she saw him angry, and she quotes him "You people (he knows my name and he's never called me 'you people' before) think we are stupid, but we are
not stupid. We are smart. It's you people who are stupid, thinking you can come here and act like you do at home without understanding that it's different here and then making a big noise when you get hurt."

Did you read about the murder of Scarlet McKewon on the Anjuna beach and the subsequent charades her mother, Fiona had to go through?

The cover-up by the Anjuna Police was predictably inept and Fiona made lots of accusations about police involvement in drugs and it emerged that the son of the Home Minister was at Curley's at the time and he's the one who collects from the drug bosses there for his dad (who, as Home Minister is in charge of the police) and it was alleged that she was screwed by more than just the guy who's charged with killing her and the minister's son might have been one.

When the mum got the body back to Britain and had another autopsy performed, they found the uterus had been removed. No evidence there.

Oh! It was so ugly and a pall descended on the whole of the northern beaches; a pall of resentment against all the long-stayers, those who are all too familiar with the system there. They don't appreciate their dirty linen being hung out by farangs. But very cloud has a silver lining and all that...............

I reach Sydney 8 May, went to renew my claim for public housing and signed the lease on an inner city unit on May 22. Remarkable! About GBP 32 a week, At first, I was dismayed at how small this bed-sitter was,but I now, every time I open the door, I think of what luxury it is in comparison to India. 15th floor with views into the city, lots of light and great kitchen and bath-room, WITH a good auto washing machine and a common dryer in a separate room on every floor and a space in a security garage for my car (yes, I got a Toyota Camry 2 litre Stn wagon)!!
Now I'm plotting a trip to Goa Jan. and Feb. next year. There's a whole swag of important Birthdays falling due amongst the Aquarians and the Pisceans
who make up the regulars there.

Medicals have turned out O.K. so now all I have to do is augment my pension income somehow to allow me to continue my normal ways.

Hope you're well over there, though I hear your summer's not going too well and I hear cries of pain about the petrol prices.

Continue having second thoughts about returning to settle down in India - you know you'll be required to accept the traditional standards and live accordingly.

Will she ever forgive me?

"I don't care whether you care about me. I don't want your feelings so don't waste them on me. In my mind you are a liar and a loser and I don't trust you. And time and again, you prove that you don't deserve even the most basic trust. You have no sense of decency.

I want to know where you stand with respect to being a father. So far you have been a SPERM DONOR. That's it. Not a father. I am not fooled by the what -- 2 ever times you hosted a visit and the what -- 2 ever times you sent a birthday card. You want to play a role and be important but you don't want the hard work and responsibility that comes with that role.

If you want to know what being a parent is really all about, well it is not a free ride. It is not a birthday card once a year. It is not a vacation together. It appears that you are not even concerned with being responsible towards your wife and daughter either so I don't even know why I suggested that we have a conversation about this. I should have known the outcome. False pretense, false promises. Hollow, meaningless words. You are really skilled at empty rhetoric.

I am having a lot of problems right now and I thought maybe I could ask you to help out so that your son would still be able to have some security. What's the point in being his dad if you don't help out. But I already know your line...I've heard it a million times. You think I should be glad I'm not one of those street beggars in Cal. You think I should always be aware that things could be worse.

Well I've reconsidered this. You are a heartless, selfish and childish person and I don't want any help from you. But you may be interested in knowing that I am changing his last name as soon as I get a chance. He doesn't deserve to wear the shameful name of your horrible family.

You are a sad excuse for human being and I think you know it."

An Alzheimer's ringtone...!

Cut my Life into Pieces
This is my last resort
No breathing
Dont give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding

This is my last resort

Cut my life into pieces
Ive reached my last resort
No breathing
Dont give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding
Do you even care if I die bleeding
Would it be wrong
Would it be right
If I took my life tonight
Chances are that I might
Mutilation outta sight
And Im contemplating suicide

Cuz Im losing my sight
Losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me Im fine
Losing my sight
Losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me Im fine

I never realized I was spread too thin
Till it was too late
And I was empty within
Feeding on chaos
And living in sin
Downward spiral where do I begin
It all started when I lost my mother
No love for myself
And no love for another
Searching to find a love up on a higher level
Finding nothing but questions and devils

Cuz Im losing my sight
Losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me in fine
Losing my sight
Losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me Im fine
Nothings alright
Nothing is fine
Im running and Im crying
Im crying
Im crying
Im crying
Im crying

I cant go on living this way

Cut my life into pieces
This is my last resort
No breathing
Dont give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding
Would it be wrong
Would it be right
If I took my life tonight
Chances are that I might
Mutilation outta sight
And Im contemplating suicide

Cuz Im losing my sight
Losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me Im fine
Losing my sight
Losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me Im fine
Nothings alright
Nothing is fine
Im running and Im crying

I cant go on living this way
Cant go on
Living this way
Nothings alright

- Papa Roach

PS: It's truly ironic where I heard this song for the first time...

Friday, 20 June 2008

My MIND's 'Sway'-ing to this evergreen song

When marimba rhythms start to play
Dance with me, make me sway
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
Hold me close, sway me more

Like a flower bending in the breeze
Bend with me, sway with ease
When you dance you have a way with me
Stay with me, sway with me

Other dancers may be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have that magic technique
When we sway I go weak

I can hear the sound of violins
Long before it begins
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now


Other dancers may be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have that magic technique
When we sway I go weak

I can hear the sound of violins
Long before it begins
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now

When marimba rhythms starts to play
Dance with me, make me sway
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
Hold me close, sway me more

Like a flower bending in the breeze
Bend with me, sway with ease
When we dance you have a way with me
Stay with me, sway with me

When marimbas start to play
Hold me close, make me sway
Like an ocean hugs the shore
Hold me close sway me more

Like a flower bending in the breeze
Bend with me, sway with ease
When we dance you have a way with me
Stay with me, sway with me

- Michael Buble

Saturday, 14 June 2008

Of Superheroes (and Villains)

Originality is not something that's the standout in this weekend's new release from Marvel, The Incredible Hulk.

But then superheroes are cast in a mould, and their primary objective is to wage war against evil and prevail, against all odds.

Many of the most loved superheroes are characters laden with angst, tortured souls like DC's Batman, who decided to fight crime after his parents were gunned down in front of him.

Others, like Marvel's Iron Man, are weighed down by their conscience and guilt, inspired to work tirelessly (and selflessly) for a better world, and thereby pay penance for their previous misadventures.

Edward Norton's portrayal of Bruce Banner and his alter-ego Hulk, adds credibility and class to a slick, well-produced movie, which also marks Marvel's first foray into cinema - a departure from their traditional royalty/franchise model seen in Spiderman and X-Men. I, for one, enjoyed it more than I did Ang Lee's Hulk. Liv Tyler, as always is at her shimmeringly beautiful best and adds that oh-so-vulnerable contrast to the superhero's invincibility.

It got me thinking about my favourite superhero portrayals and here's a list which many of you may disagree with, but I do have my reasons for including them in my 'magnificent seven'.

No list of great superheroes (and villains) would be complete without Jack Nicholson's portrayal of the Joker in the Batman series. I would be doing an injustice if I didn't mention Danny DeVito's Penguin, another character portrayal where the actor is intrinsically attached to the role itself.

Marvel took a major gamble in casting Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, given the actor's battles with his personal demons. But it paid off handsomely, and marked a new age for superhero movies. With critics and the paying public applauding the movie alike, the cash registers are ringing now at Marvel Studios, with half a billion dollars in revenues. A far cry indeed from the time Marvel's then CEO placed a 'winner-takes-all' wager and borrowed $550 million to finance setting up a studio. Historically reduced to receiving royalties from the successes of Spiderman and X-Men, Marvel's resurgence has enabled it to finally catch up (and indeed, surpass in many respects) its rival DC (Batman, Superman).

The contrast between Marvel and DC is what adds spice to the contest - Marvel's 1960's upstarts and misfits to DC's 1930's style square-jawed champions of truth, justice and peace. For me, there's plenty of space for both to co-exist. But then, I'm a committed superhero fan, as I hope many of you reading this are.

Christopher Reeve's 'faster than a speeding bullet' Superman holds a special place in an entire generation, but thats not enough to secure him a place in my list, unlike Tim Burton's Batman, the sexiest film of 1989 - with an excellent original score underpinning a tight screenplay and slick cinematography. It went on to gross more than $400 million worldwide.

Ian McKellen's Magneto in X-Men is a wonderful villain, because he is supremely self-assured, rather than just megalomaniacal - an orator, a populist leader, a rabblerouser, a master of rhetoric. McKellen is so good that its almost unfair.

Far from Hollywood dumbing down by making movies about comics, as was the assumption in the Eighties and Nineties, its actually smartening up. The next few years sees a raft of new releases and sequels from both Marvel and DC - the Iron Man
sequels, Wanted (starring Angelina Jolie and based on a smart and sassy comic), Hellboy II (the sequel to the cult original), Hancock (with Will Smith as the distinctly unheroic superhero!) and Alan Moore's Watchmen are all guaranteed viewing

Here's the difference - while one of the producers of Judge Dredd hadn't even heard of the people who created the character, Marvel Studios invited in a brains trust of 'all the people who'd written the Iron Man comic, and amazingly, treated them with respect'.

But there's another entry on the list - the lone woman, Michelle Pfeiffer's beautiful and seductive, but completely insane and deadly Catwoman in Batman Returns. In contrast with Halle Berry, whose part limited her natural abilities. Just goes to show that the hero doesn't necessarily take the cake when it comes to these flicks.

Whilst on the subject of heroes and villains, I'm biting my nails in anticipation of this summer's hottest release - the late Heath Ledger along with Christian Bale's excellent Batman in Dark Knight. Named after the graphic novel from 1986 that was too bleak to film at the time, it stars Ledger as the truly pschotic Joker.

The List:

1. Jack Nicholson, Joker
2. Danny DeVito, Penguin
3. Edward Norton, Hulk
4. Robert Downey Jr, Tony Stark
5. Tim Burton, Batman
6. Ian McKellen, Magneto
7. Michelle Pfeiffer, Catwoman

@ oRiOn 2008

Thursday, 12 June 2008

She's A Star

Whenever she's feeling empty
Whenever she's feeling insecure
Whenever her face is frozen
Unable to fake it anymore
Her shadow is always with her
Her shadow will always keep her small
So frightened that he wont love her
She builds up a wall

Oh no, she knows where to hide in the dark
Oh no, she's nowhere to hide in the dark

She's a star

She's been in disguise forever
She's tried to disguise her stellar views
Much brighter than all this static
Now she's coming through

Oh no, she knows where to hide in the dark
Oh no, she's nowhere to hide in the dark

She's a star

Don't tell her to turn down,
Put on your shades if you can't see,
Don't tell her to turn down,
Turn up the flame.
She's a star

It's a long road
It's a great cause
It's a long road
Its a good call
You got it,
You got it,


My Hero, My Heroine

Once there was perfection
When neither of us could do no wrong.
The world was this warm, fuzzy place
Everything was bright and shiny
In many ways like chasing the dragon.

We were eagerly chasing something,
Maybe nothing, but it didn't matter.

But then seasons change, and,
In our hurry to get someplace
We lost our way -
Wait! Isn't this where we started?
Or is this yet another dead-end...

Its heartbreaking, yet true
We must turn back
For its not meant to be,
Not today, maybe not anyday.

Calming down is the hardest of all
Coming down, we're held in thrall...
How do we know that we won't fall?

The cracks appear, the faultlines exaggerated
And now we're walking on ice
Desperately seeking firm ground.

Is that a beacon, is it our minds playing games?
The wind is high, we shiver yet brave the chill,
We must hurry, whilst there's time still.
Before we turn against each other
Before our misgivings turn to mistrust.
We're alone in this now,
With not even our shadows for company in this desolate hell.
Our nerves are raw, our bodies numb,
Our mouths dry, teeth clenched...
Everywhere - there's nothing but
The dank, stale stench of fear.

But we still have hope,
Its all we need -
Keeping us going,
Despite our weaknesses
Inspite of ourselves.

Hallelujah, its a miracle!
Salvation is ours...our prayers answered for once.
The light was no illusion!
Didn't I say it was real?
We embrace, we hug, we kiss
First the relief, then the tears...
The palpable tension of moments ago
Seems already a part of some distant dream.

Lets not get lost any more
And lets not lose ourselves
For the world is this warm, fuzzy place again
And everything is bright and shiny.
Only this time, there are no speedballs...
Who needs 'em anyway?

Promises, promises...
Can we keep them this time?

Isn't this what makes us human -
Our very own pantomime?

@oRiOn 2008

When The Night Is Upon Us

'When I read your last blog entry I realized that I'd lost you a long time ago...

And now, the vultures are circling.

Nevermind the darkest days, full of foreboding and doubt -

The flame needs but a spark, and the mind reassurance.

When the night is upon us, and

When darkness sourrounds us,

Our love will prevail, darling.'

Epitomises what our relationship stands for - hope and willpower.

Saturday, 24 May 2008

eX-Y-Z on my MIND ;)

me: u tell me. wat wl u get frm me?

him: see if you want me 2 justify myself, sorry i wont. I think abt it as an intangible connect

me: gtg close to me cud b complicated

him: why?

me: i hv nothing to give

him: so?

me: so why wud u travel all this way?

him: ooph! what the hell do you want me to say?

me: watever is on ur mind

him: that once upon a time a piece of the sky fell near me and I am still looking to piece it together... totally irreverent of the fact that it has coalesced with other elements and is out of my reach now!

Thursday, 10 April 2008

With an open MIND

I am sitting down to post an entry after a long long break. I don't quite remember when was the last time I wrote a proper blog. But, I realise that I shouldn't allow my apparent inertia to kill this private corner I took such pain to create when life looked really bleak!

It reminds me of the diary I used to keep during my high school days. I still have it in my cupboard at my dad's place in Calcutta. How often I have leafed through its pages and wondered why I stopped writing it! If I had been regular with it, it would have been an invaluable treasure today. It would have mirrored the entire gamut of emotions I went through during my growing years... I still remember the quotation I had penned on the first page of the diary:

"One of the most precious possessions of my life are the words I have never spoken."

Profound, eh!

In fact, I was quite an avid quotes collector in those days and it was my diary of quotes that was called 'Mindless mind'. And no, that isn't a 'quote' from anywhere; rather my first very original creative words!!

What do I write about tonight? Dunno. But I do know what I will write about in my next post. It will be about the year 2008 and how it has shaped my current life.

For old times sake, let me end with a quotation:

“When you come to the end
Of all the light that you know
And are about to step off into the darkness,
Faith is knowing one of two things will happen:
There will be something solid in the dark for you to stand on,
Or you will be taught how to fly.”

Sunday, 27 January 2008


No, I haven't lost my mind yet! Sorry to disappoint you :D

In my last post, I was moaning over this lovely poetry that Rion had written just to give words to my thoughts and I lost it while transporting it online -- for you all to read and appreciate. Still can't get over the loss. It was so touching and so spontaneous!

But then, Rion said it was for my eyes only and not for sharing. So, destiny decided otherwise... Dunno...

I am too upset now. We will talk about my thoughts another time.

Post-script: Nupur and I have decided to jointly write a book on 'How to overcome loneliness and survive in a new city' and share the credits. Hope it fetches us a few millions at the least!

Saturday, 26 January 2008

MIND, you!

Oh no! Lost it totally! What a loss? Can't get over it... Rion, I am really sorry. :(