Thursday, 10 April 2008

With an open MIND

I am sitting down to post an entry after a long long break. I don't quite remember when was the last time I wrote a proper blog. But, I realise that I shouldn't allow my apparent inertia to kill this private corner I took such pain to create when life looked really bleak!

It reminds me of the diary I used to keep during my high school days. I still have it in my cupboard at my dad's place in Calcutta. How often I have leafed through its pages and wondered why I stopped writing it! If I had been regular with it, it would have been an invaluable treasure today. It would have mirrored the entire gamut of emotions I went through during my growing years... I still remember the quotation I had penned on the first page of the diary:

"One of the most precious possessions of my life are the words I have never spoken."

Profound, eh!

In fact, I was quite an avid quotes collector in those days and it was my diary of quotes that was called 'Mindless mind'. And no, that isn't a 'quote' from anywhere; rather my first very original creative words!!

What do I write about tonight? Dunno. But I do know what I will write about in my next post. It will be about the year 2008 and how it has shaped my current life.

For old times sake, let me end with a quotation:

“When you come to the end
Of all the light that you know
And are about to step off into the darkness,
Faith is knowing one of two things will happen:
There will be something solid in the dark for you to stand on,
Or you will be taught how to fly.”